ePRepSolutions staff have more than 30 years experience in parks and recreation operations and analysis. If you offer the service, we’ve probably analyzed it.
Below is an example of the type of outcomes you can expect when consulting with ePRepSolutions. This is just one of the processes we assist you with…
(Programs) Analysis - Overview (See image on right)
Specific to program areas or Brochure Service Areas, ePRepSolutions has created what is called the “Spectrum Report”. There are four (4) specific areas that are analyzed in the Spectrum Report. They include:
Total Participation Hours (Bars in the graph)
Optimal Total Participation Hours (Orange Line or a Bell Graph)
Actual Cost Recovery (Gray wavy line)
Subsidy Percentage (Green line)
Cost Recovery Goal Percentage (Red Line)
One purpose of this Bar/Line Graph is to show, by Service Category, where each of the Service Categories fall compared to overall actual cost recovery, projected cost recovery, and subsidy. Optimally, the following would be represented by Service Category;
Subsidy Percentage (Green Line) = highest on the left-side of the graph at 100% Subsidy to the right-side of the graph at 0% Subsidy
Cost Recovery Goal Percentage (Red Line) = lowest of the left-side of the graph at 0% Cost Recovery to the right-side of the graph at 100% Cost Recovery.
Actual Cost Recovery (Gray wavy Line) = this will show how far off or how near the services are from the goal (the red line)
Total Participation Hours (Bars in Graph) = a Bell Curve with services on the left-side having a lower participation to the middle having the highest to the right-side again becoming less participation hours